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Little Mouse started to wreck the kitchen more often since 2012 through learning via internet, social networks. The rodent used to cook/bake only occasionally but is glad to show improvement :) This blog is just to capture her kitchen journey so that over the years, rodent knows if she has made advancements. Have a blessed day~~

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Tuesday, 29 July 2014


It's almost end of cherry season. I went to supermarket hoping for cherry discounts, and yes there was! The fruits were ripe in darker shades and not as pretty, but hey, it was better for me! Yeah! (^O^)

I saved my quite expensive liquor for good use, so now was the time! Take note that cherry juice can cause stains on counter top and clothes, so please be careful.

The whole cherry should be used (yes, even the pit!), except for the stem. By rights, the juicy stone-fruit should be smashed, but I wanted to keep them in good shape so that they could be used for baking or ice cream or other deserts. I would just need to soak slightly longer than the one month infusion period.

You will need:
Washed and completely air dry cherries
Dry, clean glass jar
Liquor (vodka, rum, brandy....whatever you prefer)

1. Remove stems of cherries. Using a clean chopstick, push out pit from the bottom of cherry, straight into the jar. (If you wish to smash the fruit, make sure the skin goes into the jar too)

2. Fill the jar with liquor, completely covering the cherries.
3. Seal jar tightly.
4. Place in a cool, dry place for about one month. Swirl the jar occasionally.
5. Drain out the liquor into another dry and clean screw-cap jar.
6. Reserve cherries in fridge for future use.

After two weeks, the liquor has changed from tea colour to red. It now looks like red wine. Cherry taste is subtle.

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